1H 2024 Landed Shophouse Report: Transactions Slow Amid Seller-Buyer Price Standoffs

  • By Egan Mah Jixiang
  • 4 mins read
  • Commercial
  • 10 Jul 2024
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At present, Singapore’s shophouse market marks a departure from past performance, when transaction volumes were notably higher.

As of 10 July 2024, based on lodged caveats, only 36 shophouses changed hands in the first six months of 2024, amounting to a total transaction value of $341.7 m. This is a far cry from the market’s peak in 2021, which witnessed approximately 245 shophouses with a cumulative worth of $1.8 b being sold in a year.

Year-on-year (y-o-y), compared to 1H 2023, 1H 2024’s transaction volume and value moderation has declined by 53.3% and 52.7% on respectively; these results come on the back of a continued slowdown that initially started in 2H 2023, when only 45 shophouse units were transacted.

Preceding this slowdown, prices of shophouses were inflated by transactions made by buyers linked to the $3b money laundering cases, resulting in a frothy market. These buyers were willing to pay above-normal prices, and with their exit from the market, buying momentum slowed.

Presently, most shophouse sellers are not under distress and are in no hurry to sell. Moreover, with the exception of those facing foreclosure or money laundering investigations, most shophouse sellers have benchmarked their asking prices to past years.

Buyers, on the other hand, are waiting on the sidelines till shophouse prices ease to enhance their prospects for future capital appreciation. Additionally, buyers may also be biding their time due to higher-for-longer interest rates, which have exerted downwards pressure on yields.

Consequently, this mismatch in price expectations between shophouse buyers and sellers has led to a standstill in transactions.

Freehold landed shophouse prices rise year-on-year, while 99-year leasehold counterparts see price decline

Chart 1: Transaction volume and transaction value of landed shophouses

Source: URA as of 10 July 2024, ERA Research and Market Intelligence

Of the 36 shophouses transacted in 1H 2024, 86.1% (31 units) were of Freehold (FH), inclusive of shophouses with 999-year leasehold tenure.

Both these types of shophouses represent compelling investment opportunities, owing to their rarity. Furthermore, due to their immunity to lease decay, these properties are able to hold their value over the long term. A greater number of FH shophouses also contributes to price stability, as they are less susceptible to strong volatility.

Average prices of FH shophouses grew 2.0% y-o-y in 1H 2024. In contrast, 99-year leasehold shophouses saw just four transactions over the past half-year, with average prices falling by 76.7% y-o-y.

There have also been some notable deals made by high-profile family office investors and high-net-worth individuals who were willing to pay a premium. With lower sales, these higher value transactions have a more pronounced effect on average prices in the market.

One of the more notable shophouse deal was The Rail Mall, which Paragon REIT divested for $78.5m on 20 June 2024 to a private investor. The property has a remaining lease of 21 years 8 months.

Chart 2: Average PSF prices for landed shophouses

Source: URA as at 10 July 2024, ERA Research and Market Intelligence

Higher proportion of shophouses transacted below price quantum of $5 million

Some 36.1% of landed shophouses transacted in 1H 2024 were sold for under $5m, while another 25.0% of transactions in the same period were made for $10m or more.

While overall transaction values in the market are falling, the limited supply of landed shophouses have kept demand resilient over the years. Being assets that see capital appreciation, this dip in landed shophouse prices may just be a slight blip as the market corrects.

Chart 3: Price quantum of landed shophouse in the last ten years

Source: URA as at 10 July 2024, ERA Research and Market Intelligence

Singapore shophouse: An asset class that captivates foreign investors

The scarcity of landed shophouses, coupled with Singapore’s robust economy, stable political climate, and low tax regime, have led to these properties being coveted by institutional investors and family offices. Oftentimes as vehicles to achieve their clients’ goals of capital appreciation and wealth preservation.

Earlier in February this year, Business Times reported a high-profile landed shophouse deal, said to have been made by the spouse of Alibaba Group co-founder Jack Ma; having purchased three 99LH shophouses on Duxton Road with balance terms of 63 years.

The deal, which was understood to be worth a combined total of between $45 – $50m, will see the purchased units converted into mixed-use developments with ground-floor restaurants and upper-floor office spaces. The properties were originally acquired by their previous owner for a combined value of $22.2m in 2018.

Popularity of Central Region shophouses

Shophouse in Little India

Among the 36 shophouses sold in 1H 2024, 33 were located in the Central Region – an area popular for eateries, fitness studios and co-living spaces. As such, owners of Central Region landed shophouses will likely be able to command higher rents on their properties.

District 8 was the most popular area for landed shophouse buyers, making up half (18 units) of the total transactions in 1H 2024. There could also be opportunities for value buys present in District 8, as seven of these transactions were transacted below $5m.

Chart 4: Top five districts by transactions volume in 1H 2024

Source: URA as at 10 July 2024, ERA Research and Market Intelligence

Table 1: Top five shophouse transactions in 1H 2024

Development Address District Transacted Price ($) Land Area (sqft) Unit Price PSF ($) Transaction Date
The Rail Mall 380, 382, 384 ETC Upper Bukit Timah Road 23 78,500,000 105,563 744 20 Jun 2024
Kreta Ayer Conservation Area 31 Pagoda Street 08 19,000,000 1,310 14,504 13 Mar 2024
Geylang Conservation Area 223,225,227 Geylang Road 08 18,680,000 4,319 4,326 26 Feb 2024
Telok Ayer Conservation Area 182 Telok Ayer Street 01 16,500,000 1,429 11,543 28 May 2024
Kreta Ayer Conservation Area 35 Mosque Street 01 15,930,000 1,202 13,249 6 Mar 2024

Source: URA as at 10 July 2024, ERA Research and Market Intelligence

Shophouse demand expected to remain subdued in 2024

Amid rising prices and softer yields, the demand for landed shophouses is expected to stay soft this year. However, their allure as proven assets that are low in supply may keep investors and institutional funds interested, assuming that interest rates start to come off in the coming months.

However, their allure as proven assets remain owing to their rarity and heterogeneity, as no two shophouses are identical. Furthermore, shophouses are zoned Commercial, they are not subject to Additional Buyer’s Stamp Duty and Seller’s Stamp Duty. Correspondingly, unlike residential properties, commercial shophouses have no restrictions on foreign ownership.

Owing to the abovementioned qualities, shophouses will still hold appeal for foreigners and entities, such as institutional funds, who wish to hold local property in their portfolios. As such, should interest rates come off, we can anticipate a growth in shophouse transaction volumes.

Furthermore, should banks put up more shophouses seized from money laundering cases at lower asking prices, we may witness a correcting effect on the market, subject to transaction outcomes.

Likewise, if the gap between sellers and buyers’ price expectations narrows, we are likely to see more shophouse transactions take place, albeit without any strong fluctuations in prices. Otherwise, a continued stalemate will lead to transaction volumes dwindling further.

Based on these factors, ERA forecasts the landed shophouse transaction volume for 2H 2024 to be between 40 to 50 units. This prediction will take the total transaction volume to between 75 to 85 units for the year. Finally, we project the total transaction value for landed shophouses to range between $800m – $900m for the entirety of 2024.



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  • 24 Feb 2025

在新楼盘艺景峰(The Orie)和Bagnall Haus等项目的推动下,今年伊始本地新私宅延续热销,共售出1083个私宅单位(不包括执行共管公寓,EC),环比增长超四倍. 同比方面,一月新私宅增长256%。值得一提的是,去年同期有更多新楼盘推出,除The Arcady at Boon Keng和顶林佳苑(Hillhaven)两个私宅项目外,还推出了一个EC项目昱丰嘉园(Lumina Grand)。 一月热销新私宅中,除上述两个新楼盘外,位于丹戎巴葛的柏南华庭(One Bernam)也表现亮眼。因其价格降至接近2021年的开盘价,吸引多个买家在春节前的最后一周入场。 图表一:今年一月销量前五的新私宅项目(不包括EC) 资料来源:市区重建局、ERA研究与市场情报 艺景峰是自2016年以来在大巴窑推出的首个项目,本月售出680个单位,占其总单位的87.5%,中位数尺价为每平方英尺2731元,部分高层的一卧房和两卧房单位甚至突破了每平方英尺3000元。大多数买家是新加坡本地人,他们中有些在附近长大,倾向继续住在这个市镇。由于大巴窑地区的市场需求高加上供应有限,艺景峰的热销在意料之中。 位居次席的为柏南华庭。共售出99个单位,中位数尺价为2521新元,低于2021年5月项目首次推出时的每平方英尺2650元。随着其他地区私宅的快速增长,买家可能意识到柏南华庭的价值已被低估。作为核心中央区项目,它的价格显得比其他中央区的新项目更为实惠,后者的中位价格已达每平方英尺2725新元。整体看来,随着两个区域尺价的进一步缩小,核心中央区的项目具有吸引力。 位于第16邮区的Bagnall Haus是一个小型永久地契项目。它在推出首月共售出113个单位中的75个,中位数尺价为2494元。项目不仅填补了东海岸地区15年来的供应缺口,靠近地铁站也是是买家青睐的主要因素。此外,项目两卧房和三卧房单位的价格介于200万元至250万元之间,也在多数买家负担范围内。 Hillock Green延续了去年12月的良好趋势,单月售出21个单位,中位数尺价为2253元。因价格实惠并适合家庭居住,这个项目在去年一直畅销。随着伦多区(Lentor)新私宅供应的减少,新项目的推出为市场带来更多选择。 150万元至250万元的私宅最受市场欢迎 值得一提的是,超过57%售出的新私宅价格在150万元至250万元的区间。 细分来看,约21%的售价介于150万元至200万元,其中主要是两卧房;其余36%售价介于200万元至250万元的单位则主要是三居室。 去年新私宅的销售表明, 房价可负担性仍是买家的首要考虑。为此,他们愿意等到价格达到预期时才出手。随着利率长期保持高位,加上地缘政治问题,预计这一趋势可能会在今年持续。 执行共管公寓销量减少 执行共管公寓在1月仅售出21个单位,环比和同比分别下降87.4%和92.1%。因最近推出的项目翠怡园(Novo Place)在去年底已卖出88%的单位,市场中的库存有限。本月执行共管公寓销售中,除翠怡园外,昱丰嘉园和North Gaia也有多个单位成交。 外国买家仅有13笔交易 图表一:非有地私宅买家背景概况 资料来源:市区重建局、ERA研究与市场情报 受额外买家印花税(ABSD)影响,外国买家的需求继续低迷。今年1月,外国买家共完成了13笔交易,仅占本月总交易的1.2%。永久居民买家在当月完成了92笔交易(不包括EC),占8.5%。 新加坡人在仍是购买主力,共有972笔交易,占本月新私宅销售的90.3%(不包括EC)。这一比例与过去12个月的平均水平87.3%接近。 豪华私宅销售情况(500万元及以上) 有趣的是,今年1月豪华私宅市场出现了两笔引人注目的交易,交易额超过1500万元。两笔交易均在位于乌节林荫道(Orchard Boulevard)的永久地契项目柏皓(Park Nova)。 根据市区重建局的数据,其中一笔交易为一个四卧房单位,面积为2906平方英尺,成交价达1660万元或尺价5708元。另一笔是顶楼单位,面积为5898平方英尺,成交价高达3890万元或尺价6593元。 这两笔交易的买家均为非新加坡人,四卧房单位由一名外国人购买,而顶层单位则由一名永久居民购得。若按额外买家印花税推算,即外国人为60%,永久居民为5%(首次购房),两位买家分别支付了约995万元和194万元的税款。 图表二:500万元及以上豪宅买家背景概况 资料来源:市区重建局、ERA研究与市场情报 未来几个月私宅市场展望 尽管近期利率下调和经济前景改善为市场注入活力,但由于利率可能长期保持高位、特朗普总统任期的不确定性以及持续的贸易紧张局势,都可能影响新加坡的经济发展并给房地产市场带来挑战。 总体来看,ERA产业对2025年新加坡私宅市场持谨慎乐观态度。在强劲的宏观经济支持下,新加坡有望巩固其“安全港”的地位。这可能会增强买家信心,并在全球经济面临挑战的情况下,提振市场的新私宅需求。 今年首季,将有更多备受期待的项目推出,如逸泰• 雅居(ELTA)、Parktown Residences和Lentor Central Residences,这些项目有望推动市场延续热卖势头。 同样,2025年即将推出的三个EC项目也应受到追捧,其中两个在东部,分别是晶莹轩(Aurelle of Tampines),另一个位于惹兰罗央勿刹(Jalan Loyang Besar)地区。第三个则在西部的田园弄(Plantation Close)附近。 […]

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