New Resale Flat Listing (RFL) Service – What Does It Mean To Sellers And Buyers?

  • By Wong Shanting
  • 4 mins read
  • HDB
  • 14 May 2024
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HDB has launched the Resale Flat Listing (RFL) service to create a transparent, reliable and trusted marketplace for the listing and transactions of HDB resale flats. Flat owners or their property agents can list flats for sale and complete their resale transactions on the HDB Flat Portal.

The RFL service will soft launch on 13 May 2024 while the official launch is set to be on a later date within the same month. The RFL service is the latest enhancement to the HDB Flat Portal and will be free of charge for the time being.

Why has HDB launched the Resale Flat Listing Service?

1. Improve convenience for buyers and sellers of HDB flats

Since 2018, HDB has launched the HDB Resale Portal to streamline and simplify the resale transaction process. Subsequently, the HDB Flat Portal was launched to complement the HDB Resale Portal for home buyers and sellers to gather information on the purchase (new or resale) or sale of a flat, on a single integrated platform.  Some of the enhancements include one-stop loan listing service, customisable financial calculators, as well as information on the HDB Flat Eligibility (HFE) letter.

The RFL service is the part of HDB digitalisation efforts aligned with the government’s Real Estate Industry Transformation Map strategies. The aim of the industry transformation map is to use technology to deliver seamless and efficient property transaction services.

2. RFL to help verify HDB buyers and sellers

The RFL will help weed out fake HDB listings, which is pervasive on listing portals, through verification of resale listings.

For flats sellers with a valid Intent to Sell, they can either choose to appoint a property agent to manage their flat listing on the HDB flat portal, or list and market their flat on their own. But each seller can only post one flat listing to ensure that there is no duplicative listing for the same flat.

Even though any prospective flat buyer can browse the flat listings on the RFL service, only those with a valid HFE letter can obtain the sellers’ contact details, allowing them to schedule viewing appointments through the HDB Flat Portal.

3. RFL to help manage sellers’ price expectations which will ensure a more sustainable property market in the long run

The system will prompt the seller if the listed price is 10% higher than the last transacted price in the vicinity over the past six months. This feature helps sellers stay informed about recent resale prices and allows them adjust their listing price to better reflect market conditions.

Are real estate agents still relevant with the launch of the Resale Flat Listing?

The biggest question on everyone’s mind would be, “will real estate agents and listing portals become a thing of the past for the HDB resale market?”


1. A real estate agent can help navigate the complex HDB sales process

For many consumers, transacting an HDB flat might only happen once or twice in their lifetime. With the constantly evolving HDB resale rules and paperwork, the resale process can seem daunting for many consumers.

By engaging a real estate agent, sellers and buyers can receive guidance on the up-to-date processes and advice how they can approach the sales process efficiently.

2. Real estate agents to negotiate in your interest, and help brokerage the best deal

Some real estate agents specialise in certain housing estates, which enables them to develop strong market insights and intelligence. In this way, they can help sellers conduct thorough competitive market analysis, and have proven to bring sellers the best possible price achievable for their units.

Beyond just negotiating prices, real estate agents serve as intermediaries between buyers and sellers, helping them to align on intangible aspects such as the submission dates and HDB appointment dates.

To illustrate, a seller must ensure the delivery of his HDB unit after they have moved into their next home. This will require extensive coordination, from managing the flow of funds from the sale to the purchase, to timing the move and settling into the new place before the handover of the existing flat.

3. Business as usual for listing portals even though they are expected to a decline in HDB listings

For the time being, the RFL service will be free of charge allowing HDB sellers with their exclusive property agents to save on advertisement cost.

Furthermore, since the RFL will allow only allow sellers with a valid Intent to Sell to post their listings, this will help weed out fake HDB listings, which is pervasive on listing portals.

With the RFL, we anticipate HDB sellers will be less reliant on existing listing portals, and that could lead to a decline in HDB listing on such portals.

We believe the RFL will benefit real estate agents who focus on exclusive listings and here’s why:

4. Savings on advertisement cost for HDB real estate agents

Once appointed by the HDB sellers, the HDB real estate agent can leverage on the RFL to advertise the listing. For now, the RFL is free of charge and this can translate to savings on advertisement cost.

5. Pre-qualified buyers for the listings

 The RFL allows any prospective flat buyer to browse the flat listings but those with a valid HFE letter can obtain the sellers’ contact details, allowing them to schedule viewing appointments through the HDB Flat Portal.

This ensures that the prospective buyers are pre-qualified before the viewing, which may not be the case for now. Currently, some buyers may not have completed the necessary loan assessment before viewing the flats, and this impedes their ability to make an offer.

Separately, some buyers may be looking to take a bank loan for their upcoming HDB purchase, and for now the RFL does not cater to this group of buyers.

6. RFL will help to manage sellers’ price expectations

The system will prompt the seller if the listed price is 10% higher than the last transacted price in the vicinity over the past six months. This feature helps sellers stay informed about recent resale prices and allows them adjust their listing price to better reflect market conditions.

7. Providing a more accurate reflection on the available listings in the market

For real estate agents serving buyers, having an accurate overview of the available listings in the market helps them facilitate appointments more efficiently. They no longer need to sift through fake listings on listing portals, enabling them to better inform their buyers about market conditions and advise on realistic buying prices.

In a nutshell, the RFL is poised to offer greater transparency to the HDB market, fostering more sustainable price growth over time term. However, it faces some initial challenges such as facilitating contact between buyers using bank loans and sellers to arrange viewings. Sellers must also be ready to be overwhelmed by non-serious enquires from buyers and real estate agents. Overall, we view the RFL as a significant step towards improving transparency and efficiencies of the real estate market. Real estate agents should work alongside with the RFL to enhance their professionalism and service to their clients.



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  • 23 Dec 2024

根据新加坡市区重建局(URA)数据,今年下半年店屋仅有28宗交易,较上半年的39宗有所下降。下半年交易总值达2.29亿新元,低于前六个月的3. 65亿新元。全年店屋交易量仅67宗,创下自1998年以来单年交易量的最低记录(当年有48笔店屋成交)。 自2023年洗钱案后,新加坡店屋市场持续低迷,案件抑制了店屋的需求。同时,高利率以及店屋价格的不断攀升,影响了投资收益率。尽管最近降息措施给市场带来了一些乐观情绪,但日益不确定的地缘政治局势使投资者仍保持谨慎。另外,因住宅房地产的额外买方印花税(ABSD)大幅上涨而转向店屋市场的买家热情也有所消退。 值得注意的是,一些买家选择不提交备案,或通过特殊目的公司的股权转让方式完成交易。例如,今年9月,在桥北路(North Bridge Road)和连城街(Liang Seah Street)拐角处一栋四层店屋以4200万新元成交。而桥北路的白沙浮广场(Bugis Junction )对面,三个毗邻的店屋在10月以7200万新元的价格出售。这些交易均未备案。 因此,2024年备案的总交易金额为5.95亿新元,不及去年11亿新元交易额的一半。远低于2021年时的市场峰值。当年约有245宗有地店屋交易,总值达18亿新元。就历年交易记录来看,目前店屋市场似乎已经触底。 图一: 过去十年店屋交易走势 资料来源:新加坡市区重建局和ERA产业 永久地契更受追捧   99年地契价格上涨 今年下半年28宗交易中,85.7%的交易为永久地契或999年地契。在市场波动中,这类型的店屋保值能力强,受到投资者青睐。 然而,与去年下半年相比,永久地契店屋的平均价格却下降了7.7%。而99年地契的店屋价格则上涨21.6%。除因这些成交的店屋位于市区和文化保护区(conservation area)外。它们的剩余年限均在70年以上。 图 二: 过去十年店屋每平方英尺交易均价走势 资料来源:新加坡市区重建局和ERA产业 这显示了位置优越的99年地契保留店屋,若维护良好并还有较长剩余地契仍能吸引买家。因此,我们预计这些店屋的价格仍有上涨空间。 自2020年以来,店屋交易价格持续上涨,带动高额交易比例上升。2024年,超过一半的店屋交易价格介于500万新元至1000万新元之间。而那些价格低于500万新元的店屋,多数不在市区或是99年地契。 图三: 过去十年店屋成交价比例走势 资料来源:新加坡市区重建局和ERA产业 市区店屋较受欢迎 今年成交的67间店屋中,有63间位于市区。这里汇集餐饮、健身房和共居空间等行业,可为屋主带来更高租金。 其中,第八邮区最受买家欢迎,共有31宗交易(占46.3%)。根据交易数据,这个区可能还存在投资机会,其中10宗的成交价低于500万新元。 此外,第14邮区共有七宗交易,而第一区和第二区各有五宗。     表一: 2024年交易额前五位的店屋交易 新加坡稳定的经济基础支撑房地产市场 在制造业和金融保险等行业带动下,新加坡今年第三季GDP同比增长5.4%,较第二季的3.0%增长有所加快。 半导体产业是新加坡的支柱产业之一。随着全球电子产品需求的持续复苏以及经济活动强于预期,新加坡贸工部将今年全年GDP增长预测从原来的2.0%-3.0%上调至大约3.5%。 经济扩张带动劳动力招聘市场增加。数据显示,新加坡就业人数大幅上升,同时裁员数量有所减少。三季度,招聘人数达2万2300人,远高于今年上半年的1万6000人。此外,今年前九个月的裁员人数为9350人,同比下降15.6%。当季整体失业率维持在1.9%的低位。 同时,新加坡通胀压力持续缓解,降至2.2%,为2021年二季度以来最低水平。其中,住房通胀也在降至2.9%,大幅低于去年一季度4.9%的高峰时期。通胀下降,将使新加坡实际收入回升。 尽管新加坡家庭债务增加,但根据新加坡金融管理局的报告,工资的提高和稳定的金融资产有助于家庭应对抵押贷。此外,美联储的降息举措降低了房主现有抵押贷款的每月还款成本。以新元隔夜利率(SORA)为例,三个月复合新元隔夜利率从1月的3.70%下降至11月的3.24%。   2025年店屋需求将有所改善 展望明年,ERA产业对新加坡房地产市场保持谨慎乐观。首先,利率有望继续下调的利好因素,将有助于明年的房地产市场表现优于今年。这在一定上程度将提振买家信心,推动房地产需求。价格上涨将体现房产价值和潜力,而非投机行为。 另一方面,在稳定的经济基础支撑下,新加坡将继续巩固其作为亚洲领先财富管理中心之一的地位,不断吸引家族办公室、高净值人士和跨国公司来此扎根。其中不乏各类投资者, 他们视新加坡店屋为珍贵稀有资产。 我们认为,当前店屋价格的波动可能是买家寻找潜在优质交易的好时机。尤其是那些位于核心地段且拥有永久地契的店屋可能已被低估。一旦买卖双方的价格预期一致,交易量将有望再次回升。 基于上述因素,我们预计明年店屋交易量将在70到80宗之间,交易金额将在6.5亿新元到7.5亿新元之间。   Disclaimer This information is provided […]

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